Riccardo Bevilacqua

Hello, I am Riccardo, a freelance frontend engineer based in Amsterdam

upward wave
strong arm
15+ years of experience in frontend engineering delivering value to clients.
leading another to destination
Coaching junior engineers to become autonomous and productive.
translating between languages
Bridging the communication gap between non-technical and technical people.
cog becomes digital
Transforming legacy code into modern solutions while delivering new features.
downward wave

About me

With 15 years of experience in software engineering, I've found my passion in writing code and helping people.

I'm driven by innovation, always mindful of business objectives.

In addition to my technical contributions, I enhance company culture, elevate developer experience, and boost efficiency.

For instance, I automated a complex manual process, reducing it from a month to just a day, saving valuable time and resources.

I'm proud to serve as a mentor at Hack Your Future, where I guide war refugees and disadvantaged individuals in their tech careers.

I'm also a key member of Italia JS, the premier JS technology community in Italy.

upward wave
Christiaan van Niekerk

Having Riccardo join the team has had a massively positive impact, and we are well on our way of achieving the excellence we strive for due to, in large part, because of Riccardo's contributions.

-Christiaan van Niekerk, LeasePlan

Dmytro Ivanchyshyn

Riccardo's ability to explain to business the most difficult technical problems in a natural, neat way is simply amazing. Great collaboration, impressive hard and soft skills, ocean of kindness and patience.

-Dmytro Ivanchyshyn, LeasePlan

Kirill Kriuchkov

He consistently proposed technical solutions that were not only modern and aligned with best practices, but also had a significant positive impact beyond his immediate team.

-Kirill Kriuchkov, LeasePlan

Renaldo Farkas

His ability to explain complex problem in a simple and understandable manner is excellent and in his approach to solving problems he always keeps in mind the broader context of the problem, which results in a solution that is sustainable.

-Renaldo Farkas, Aon

downward wave

